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If the leading edge of the object reflections undergoes a further reflection
from the loudspeaker
and returns to the microphone before the original trailing edge arrives, then
the measurement of the object reflections will be disturbed. For this
reason the measurements presented so far have a time length of
secs where
is the length of
source tube
between the microphone and the source (see figure 5.2).
The length of instrument that can be measured must be less then
since the primary reflections from the end of such an instrument
would arrive at the end of our time window simultaneously with the source
It is not realistic to expect that such a limit will be approached in practice,
however, since we would lose the secondary reflections from the object which
carry on after
the last primary reflection has arrived. In practice the maximum length
measurable depends both on
and the radius of the object in question
since long sections of large radius will mean low losses and many secondary
reflections will return before all of the reflection sequence is finished.
will mean that the source reflections will arrive later
and the measurement time window will be longer. The aim of this section is to
measure long objects so we will therefore use a reflectometer with
m rather than the 7.37m used up to now.
This option is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, since the losses in the
source tube reduce all frequency components, a higher amplitude of
sound must be input in order to preserve the signal to noise ratio on sampling
the reflections. This is easily achieved by turning up the volume on the audio
amplifier used in pulse production, although when taken to extremes this could
damage the amplifier and speaker or cause non-linear sound propagation not
accounted for in the analysis.
Also, the high frequencies are attenuated proportionally more
than the low frequencies meaning that the further a pulse travels,
the wider it gets. The
source tube section
must therefore also be lengthened to allow the longer
input pulse to completely pass the microphone before the object reflections
arrive. For the reflectometer in this section
m was chosen
(3.10m was used previously).
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Up: Improvements to pulse reflectometry
Previous: The virtual DC tube
Jonathan Kemp