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Assuming axi-symmetric pressure distributions only,
equation (2.31) becomes:
(2.44) |
which can be manipulated into Bessel's equation of order zero
[43] with the general solution ([43] p567)
(2.45) |
is Bessel function of the first kind of order zero and
the Bessel function of the second kind of order zero. While
is singular
at the origin, the pressure cannot have a singularity there.
All the physically realisable solutions will therefore have
The pressure on a cross-section on the
plane will therefore follow
the shape of the Bessel function
. A three dimensional plot of
is shown in figure 2.4 while figure 2.5 shows the function
along the radial direction. It has a maximum at
and smoothly
varies between positive and negative values. The rate at which this happens
is determined by the
. In order to work out the allowed values of
we must consider the boundary conditions.
Figure 2.4:
Three dimensional plot of the Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 against radius on the
Figure 2.5:
The Bessel function of the first kind of order 0
The boundary condition for loss-less propagation is
(2.46) |
Using the orthogonality relation (as used by Kergomard [42])
(2.47) |
we get the solution
(2.48) |
are the successive zeros of the derivative of the Bessel
function of order zero. From relation (A.3) in
Appendix A we see that the derivative of
is therefore also equal to the zeros of the Bessel
function of order one. These are tabulated for
Appendix A. The corresponding values of
are then:
(2.49) |
Recalling equation (2.32) the
direction wavenumber is
given in terms of the
plane wavenumber and the free space wavenumber
(2.50) |
the square root
is of a positive number and the positive sign should be taken in
equation (2.50) so that
is a positive real wavenumber. For
, however, the square root is of a negative number
and the mode will have an imaginary wavenumber in the
Provided the negative sign is chosen in equation (2.50), the
direction pressure profile of that mode will then be
(2.51) |
which shows exponential damping. The modes of a duct will therefore
propagate provided the wavenumber (and therefore frequency) is above the
cut-off frequency
and will be exponentially damped
otherwise. To summarise, the signs are chosen to be
(2.52) |
Figure 2.6 displays a false colour image of the forward travelling
modes in a cylinder (note one mode is in cut-off so is not really travelling).
The horizontal axis runs parallel to the axis of the cylinder (
while the vertical axis runs perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder such
that the value 0 is the centre of the cylinder and -1 and 1 are the walls.
To obtain the pressure distribution along the axis of the cylinder
equation (2.52) was substituted into equation
(2.33). This was multiplied by the transverse
eigenfunction from equation (2.48) to give the
full pressure field.
The real value of the complex pressure amplitude was chosen so
that a snapshot of the pressure field is shown, rather than a time averaged
value, as would be the case if the absolute value was shown. The relationship
between the complex pressure amplitude and the time dependence of the pressure
field will be discussed in more detail later, in section 2.7.
Red indicates the pressure maximum and blue the pressure minimum in each graph.
Figure 2.6 shows plane wave propagation (
=0) for a
wavenumber of
=1 mode with the same free space
wavenumber is also shown. Notice that the pressure distribution follows the
Bessel function profile across a line perpendicular
to the cylinder axis. Since the modes we are considering are cylindrically
symmetric the two nodal lines parallel to the
axis for
=1 become one
cylinder when this image is considered in 3 dimensions. The whole distribution
varies sinusoidally along the
axis with the wavenumber
. Notice that
so the
wavenumber has decreased and therefore the
direction wavelength has
increased. This effect can be seen more clearly with the
mode. The pressure distribution has two nodal cylinders and we can see that
is approaching zero for this choice of free space wavenumber:
value is below the cut-off point,
in the case of the
=3 mode.
meaning that the wave is
exponentially damped or evanescent.
Figure 2.6:
The modes in a cylindrical duct with
(plane wave mode),
(evanescent). All have the same free space wavenumber
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Jonathan Kemp